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Rules for publishing in a geographical research series


1- In the research that undertakes a series of geographical research, publishing, scientific originality, the validity of scientific output, and the integrity of the language shall be considered.


2- The research submitted to the series must not have been previously published.


3- Research papers shall be sent in the name of the Chairman of the Editorial Board.


4- The research is submitted on (on (CD printed in MS WORD window environments (Windows), and leaves a branch and a half between each line and another in AL-Hotham font for the body and Monotype Koufi font for titles, and 16 white font for the body and 12 white for the margins (black font for Quranic verses and hadiths), and attach with it three copies printed on A4 size paper,  taking into account that the upper limit of the research is [75] pages, and the minimum is [15] pages. 


5- The original research shall be sent with two copies and a summary within (250) words in Arabic and English.


6-   It is taken into account that the shapes are presented in digital form that is read and displayed by a computer, on Adope Photoshop or in the form of ESO or TIFF format,   provided that the lowest resolution of the images is 300 points, and the size is 120x 180 mm,  and the colored shapes are in RGB format. The shapes are presented in black and white on the gray formatting mode. 


7- Research valid for publication and selected by the editorial board shall be sent to at least two arbitrators in the field of specialization from inside or outside the Kingdom before being published in the series.


8. The editorial board of the series shall inform the authors of the research on the date of receipt of their research. As well as informing them of the final decision regarding whether or not to accept the research for publication and return the unacceptable research to its owners.


9. Each researcher or principal investigator shall be granted to the group of researchers participating in the research twenty-five copies of the published research.


10. The rules of reference to sources shall be applied using a system (name/date), and this system requires that the source of information be indicated in the text in brackets with the name of the author followed by the date and page number. If the author repeats two different references but has the same date, one of them is distinguished by adding a letter to the year of the reference. As for the list of references, this requires that they be arranged alphabetically according to the type of source as follows:


A- Books: The author's family name (the first author if the reference has more than one author) is mentioned, followed by the first name, then the year of publication in parentheses, then the title of the book, the edition number - if any - then the publisher, and finally the city of publication. Each piece of information is separated by an inverted comma.


B- Periodicals: The author's last name is mentioned followed by the first name, then the year of publication in parentheses, then the title of the article, then the title of the periodical, then the volume number, then the issue number, then the page numbers of the article, (pp. 5-15).


C- Edited books: The author's last name is mentioned followed by the first name, then the year of publication in parentheses, then the title of the chapter, then writes (in in) underlined, then the last name of the editor followed by the first names, as well as for the co-editors, then (ed. editor or eds.) then the title of the book, then the volume number, the edition number, and finally the publisher, the city of publication.


D- Unpublished Letters: The author's last name is mentioned followed by the first name, then the year of obtaining the degree in parentheses, then the title of the thesis, then the type of thesis (Master's / Ph.D.), then the name of the university and the city in which it is located.


11. Footnotes are used only when absolutely necessary and are reserved for notes and applications of value in clarifying the text.





Saudi Geographical Society

Geographical Research Series

P.O. Box 2456 Riyadh 11451

Saudi Arabia



Last updated on : August 13, 2023 12:27pm