فتح باب الترشيحات للجنة العلمية بمركز البحوث المتكاملة لمخاطر الكوارث

Subject: iguurban: Call for Nominations: IRDR (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk )Scientific Committee
Dear Colleagues,
The IRDR programme is pleased to announce it is now accepting nominations for new members of the IRDR Scientific Committee (SC). Candidates’ research areas should be closely related to the challenges of natural and human-induced hazards, capacity building, development of case studies, data management and monitoring hazards, risks and disasters. Based on the composition of the current Committee, we expect the applicants to be economists, seismologists, volcanologists, meteorologists, and disaster risk managers. Other hazard and disaster specialties are welcome. Women experts are encouraged to apply.
Members of the IRDR SC play an important part in planning, developing and promoting IRDR, and membership can bring benefits to your organisation by enhancing partnerships and exploring potential co-operation.
Nomination Procedure
International organisations, institutions and academies with experience in disaster risk reduction, members of the scientific community, IRDR sponsors and partners are invited to nominate candidates. The process will follow these steps:
1. All nominating bodies are requested to submit a completed IRDR SC Nomination form, with the candidate’s CV attached, to the IRDR International Programme Office (IPO) via tracy.zhao@irdrinternational.org by 26 July 2013. Exceptionally, proposals may be accepted from interested individuals who feel they have the qualities and experience to serve on the IRDR SC. In this case a cover letter should be addressed to the Chair of the IRDR SC, David Johnston, stating your vision for IRDR, your potential contribution and how your membership will impact the goals and objectives of the Programme.
2. The IRDR SC will review all materials and make a short list of potential nominees, which will be submitted to the IRDR Co-Sponsors.
3. The IRDR Co-Sponsors will examine the nominations and decide upon the individuals to serve on the SC.
4. The Chair of the IRDR SC will invite the successful nominees to join the SC. The three-year term as a new IRDR SC Member will commence immediately.
Please download the Call for Nominations for IRDR SC Membership for more information.
Download the Nominations for IRDR Scientific Committee (SC) form here.
Deadline for submission of nomination forms: 26 July 2013 via tracy.zhao@irdrinternational.org.
For further information, please contact the IRDR IPO through:
Ms Tracy Zhao
Executive Assistant
Tel: + 86 10 8217 8913 (direct)
Fax: + 86 10 8217 8913
Email: tracy.zhao@irdrinternational.org
International Social Science Council
1 rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France
Tel: +33(0)1 45 68 48 58
Fax: +33 (0) 1 45 68 48 62
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